College Financial Planning

How Can You Pay for Your Kid to go to College, Spend and Save as You Are Now, and Increase the Amount of Money You have for Retirement?

It sounds too good to be true. And it is too good to be true… unless you know the ins and outs of the college funding system and you pick up a few tips from us on how to use your household cash.

It’s not too late!

Our College Financial Planning Services can help you…


    Learn how to gain financial aid even if you don’t qualify for need-based money.


    Use the IRS to pay for up to $9,000 of your student’s money for college.


    Learn that private colleges can be just as affordable as state colleges, even when the initial tuition amount is more than twice as much.


    Earn money while searching for money to pay for college.


    Pay for college, save thousands toward retirement, and pay off your mortgage in record time!

    College is an investment in your child’s future. It may be tempting to take the loans that are offered in abundance to pay for this critical investment in your child, but loans are not the only option.

    Ask to speak to one of our College Financial Planning Specialists for information that could be valuable to your future, as well as that of your child.

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